home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 100 print"[147]":poke 53280,6:poke 53281,1
- 110 print tab(3)" [146][183][205] [146] [146][183][205] [146][183][183] [146][183][208] [183] [146][183] [146][183][208] [146][183][205] [180] [170]"
- 120 print tab(3)" [146] [170] [146] [146][175][206] [146][175] [146] [146] [146] [170] [146][175][206] [204][175][186]"
- 130 print tab(3)" [146][175][206] [146] [146] [205] [146][175][175] [146][175][186] [146] [146][175][186] [146] [205] "
- 135 print " [192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192] "
- 140 l$=""
- 150 a=a+1:b=b+1:read pr$
- 160 print left$(l$,b+6)tab(10)"[151]";a;"- [154]"pr$
- 165 if b=7 then 175
- 170 goto 150
- 175 if a>=14 then restore:a=0
- 180 print left$(l$,22)" disks reproduced with msd super drives "
- 190 print left$(l$,24)tab(7)"[144](c) ion international inc"
- 200 print left$(l$,20)tab(9)"return[146] or choose no.";
- 210 input an$:an=val(an$):b=0
- 215 if an$="" then 100
- 225 restore:for ch=1 to an:read pr$:next ch
- 230 print "[147]"
- 240 print "load";chr$(34);pr$;chr$(34);",8"
- 250 print "run":print "[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]"
- 260 poke 631,13:poke 632,13:poke 198,2:end
- 500 data 64 checksum,vic checksum,futurewar!,telelink 64,link ov'lay
- 510 data fontasia,ins. agent,vic eraser,sprite cntrlr,sprite loader
- 520 data sprite m/s,sprite sample,flankspeed,end